Thursday, July 26, 2007

Project Plan Submitted

Project plan has been completed and submitted

Work Summary

It has been decided by the team that the existing parser needs to be extended, by allowing the user to do the following:
1. select more than 1 attribute in a single query
2. use algebraic entity such as '>', '<', '=', etc.
3. use disjunction 'OR'
4. use SNOMED terminology

Work done on 26/7:
* Done Syntactic parser: split question into meaningful parts such as conditions, TOC, database selected, time selected, etc.
* Done the condition part for the Semantic parser: split the conditions into an array of conditions.
* Done the input User Interface: allow user to enter a question using combo-boxes and text-boxes.
* Done the code for the SNOMED dictionary: converting SNOMED terms to database terms
* Planned for work on next week: answer part for the Semantic parser, SQL Query Generator

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Weekly Schedule

Each project team member (myself and David) are expected to work 20+ hours each week on the project, composing of the following time-slots:
Monday: 9-1pm (RPAH, David)
Monday: 2-5pm (RPAH, team+)
Tuesday: 2-5pm(SIT, team+)
Wednesday: 2-5pm (SIT, Victor)
Thursday: 9-5pm (RPAH, team+)
Weekend: 5+ hrs (Home, individual)
+ team refers to both Victor and David working together at the same time

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Project's Aim and Deliverables

This project aims to define and devleop a general purpose analytical language for use in clinical information systems using a restricted subset of natural language.

Previous work: This project has progressed as far as designing the first version of the CDAL and implementing a subset on the CareVue ICU system at the RPAH.

The project for this semester is split into a few major components or deliverables, as listed below:
1. Expand the system for mapping the CDAL components to the underlying CareVue schema.
2. Clarify the semantics of the CDAL.
3. Expand the scope of the CDAL.
4. Introduce access to the SNOMED CT teminology as part of the CDAL.

The project team consists of the following members:

Jon Patrick (USYD Professor)
Yuzhong Cheng (Semester 1 Student)
Victor Chan (Semester 2 Student)
David Ding (Semester 2 Student)
Robert Herkes (RPAH Staff)
Angela Ryan (RPAH Staff)